
卡戴珊紧身运动装秀傲人身材 撩发超有范获猛男护驾

1/8 新浪娱乐讯 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)穿紧身运动背心配紧身裤出街,装秀傲人胸围 。她撩发超有范,获猛男保镖护驾。(视觉中国/图)

2/8 新浪娱乐讯 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)穿紧身运动背心配紧身裤出街,装秀傲人胸围 。她撩发超有范,获猛男保镖护驾。(视觉中国/图)

3/8 新浪娱乐讯 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)穿紧身运动背心配紧身裤出街,装秀傲人胸围 。她撩发超有范,获猛男保镖护驾。(视觉中国/图)

4/8 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)探班姐姐和妹妹。 Los Angeles, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* Kim Kardashian matches her tones in workout clothes as she visits a studio to meet with sisters Khloe and Kourtney. Kim was later spotted with Khloe's bestie Malika Haqq, as they exited to their cars on a very hot day in LA. Pictured: Kim Kardashian

5/8 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)探班姐姐和妹妹。 Los Angeles, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* Kim Kardashian matches her tones in workout clothes as she visits a studio to meet with sisters Khloe and Kourtney. Kim was later spotted with Khloe's bestie Malika Haqq, as they exited to their cars on a very hot day in LA. Pictured: Kim Kardashian

6/8 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)探班姐姐和妹妹。 金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)街拍。 发型:高马尾,卷发,黑发 上装:运动背心,紧身,露脐,灰色 下装:骑行短裤,高腰,紧身,灰色 鞋:Yeezy,老爹鞋,网面,拼接,白色 Los Angeles, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* Kim Kardashian matches her tones in workout clothes as she visits a studio to meet with sisters Khloe and Kourtney. Kim was later spotted with Khloe's bestie Malika Haqq, as they exited to their cars on a very hot day in LA. Pictured: Kim Kardashian

7/8 新浪娱乐讯 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)穿紧身运动背心配紧身裤出街,装秀傲人胸围 。她撩发超有范,获猛男保镖护驾。(视觉中国/图)

8/8 新浪娱乐讯 当地时间2018年7月16日,洛杉矶,金·卡戴珊( Kim Kardashian)穿紧身运动背心配紧身裤出街,装秀傲人胸围 。她撩发超有范,获猛男保镖护驾。(视觉中国/图)
